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When The Universe Takes Over and Fear is Not an Option

It was a freezing January day in Calgary, Canada—where I live. The snow had been falling for days, and the temperature was around -20 degrees Celsius. That morning, I woke up with a strange feeling. I had never felt anything like it before. Something deep inside was urging me to act. A voice kept telling me, It's time!  But I had no idea where it came from or what it wanted me to do. I threw on my coat and stepped outside for a walk to clear my mind.

I walked for hours along the frozen river, but I still couldn’t make sense of what was going on in my head. What am I supposed to do? I kept asking myself. It’s time for what?

Deep down, I think I knew. But I didn’t want to admit it. I was terrified that my instincts were right. I didn’t want to face the truth that was brewing inside me.

I was scared.

I walked until I could barely feel my feet. Eventually, I realized I had to confront the truth: the way I had been living wasn’t working. I needed to change my life philosophy. I was suffocating under expectations, responsibilities, and values that weren’t even mine.

I could no longer suppress my own dreams, which I had been burying for so long just to make other people’s dreams come true. I could no longer waste my resources, my emotions, and my youth. I had to build something meaningful. I had to create a happy life, become a better person, and finally enjoy life on my terms.

Facing that harsh reality shook me to my core.

Fear is not an option

Changing a philosophy you’ve lived by for 30 years isn’t easy—it’s terrifying. The thought of the resistance I would face from my partner at the time, from my family, and from the old patterns and limiting beliefs that had become the main operating system in my subconscious scared me to death.

What if it's just an illusion? What if my family and friends abandon me? What if I fail? What if I end up worse and lose everything I’ve built? What if this is the best I can have, and I’m asking for too much?

The spiral of questions haunted me, fuelling my fear and doubt. I was terrified that stepping away from the familiar would lead to more pain and failure.

But it wasn’t a choice anymore. I had to change. Every cell in my body rejected the idea of continuing down the same path for even another second. Deep down, I knew I couldn’t ignore that voice any longer. It wasn’t just a passing thought—it was a call to redefine my life, to align it with my true values, not someone else's expectations.

universe supports meaningful life transformation

After a few hours of intense debate inside my head, I finally surrendered to the call from the universe. I said to myself, What do I have to lose? What’s the worst that could happen? 

If the end result is misery and failure, then at least let it be my responsibility. At least I can say I tried.

But if it works out, oh, if it works out… I’ll be the happiest girl alive. The risk felt enormous, but the potential reward—a life truly lived on my own terms—was worth every ounce of fear.

That’s when I realized: when the universe takes over and sets you on a mission to change your life, fear is not an option.

Over the next few years, I began to envision the life I wanted to live, the person I aspired to be, and the experiences I wanted to have. My life underwent a dramatic transformation. By redefining my life philosophy, I laid the foundation for a more meaningful, happier, and abundant existence. I met the love of my life, became a successful businesswoman, spoke at conferences, traveled the world, and experienced life in ways I had never imagined possible.

All I had to do was say yes, trust my intuition, and take the first step—face the reality and be honest with myself. From that moment on, everything that happened unfolded in my favour. I’m not saying it was easy or pleasant, but I was able to confront challenges with a new perspective. I realized that I was building something beautiful and joyful, and that this was all part of the plan the universe had for me.

I continue to work toward refining my life philosophy, adjusting it as life unfolds and I gain new insights and experiences. After all, life is a journey and always a work in progress.

I may never know what the future holds or how I will adapt, but one thing is certain: I will never return to a life without purpose, without a guiding philosophy, and without a clear vision. No matter how many times I need to change that picture or how messy the journey may get at times, I am committed to moving forward.

To this day, I thank the universe and my lucky stars for pushing me to take that walk on that cold January day.

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